breast lift turkey

Breast Lift in turkey

Breast lift in turkey : It’s completely normal for breasts to lose their elasticity and firmness after pregnancy, breastfeeding, weight gain or loss, or with gravity as you age. If you want to change how your breasts look, you may consider breast lift in Şafak Hospital.  It should be mentioned that breast lift surgery will not change the size of the breast. If you are interested in change in your breast size, you should consider a breast augmentation/reduction in conjunction with a breast lift.


What Is Breast Lift ?

A breast lift in turkey, medically know as a mastopexy, is a surgical procedure performed to rejuvenate breasts that have a somewhat saggy or droopy appearance. This cosmetic surgery removes excess skin and tightens the surrounding tissue to make breasts look more youthful. It can also reduce the size of the areolas if they have become enlarged over time.


Why Have a Breast Lift in Şafak Hospital?

Breasts change with age, weight fluctuations, or after pregnancy and breastfeeding. The reason for this is that the skin and fibrous ligaments (bonds) in the breast become stretched so the breast tissue is not supported. It is not possible to recreate the fibrous support of the breasts, but they can be modified by removing excess skin, tightening the breast tissue and repositioning the nipples. Other options include reducing the size of the areola (the area of dark-colored skin that surrounds the nipple), or increasing the breast size at the same time.
Mastopexy can make the breasts look firmer, and more youthful, as well as improve self-confidence. So, after this surgery, you may be more comfortable personally and socially.


Why Şafak Hospital?

Because you can get any cosmetic procedure done in Şafak Hospital at a price you won’t find anywhere else. In addition, this hospital is up to the latest professional standards and the proficiency of its’ plastic surgeons is exceptional.


Before a Breast Lift

  • consultation

Before you have a breast lift , you’ll meet with the surgeon. You and the surgeon will discuss your specific goals, your medical history, medications you’re taking, any possible risks and complications that can come from surgery. The surgeon will also examine and measure your breasts, review your options for breast lift and make recommendations. If you are planning to become pregnant, or you are overweight, the surgeon may suggest delaying your surgery.


  • Pre-operative Instructions for Breast Lift

In order to help you prepare for your surgery, your plastic surgeon may ask you to:

  • Get lab testing or have a physical exam with your primary care provider.
  • Get a mammogram.
  • Stop taking certain medications, including aspirin, NSAIDs and herbal supplements.
  • Stop using tobacco products and alcohol. Both alcohol and tobacco can have a negative effect on the healing process and result of surgery.


How Is the Breast Lift turkey Performed?

Breast lift surgery in Şafak Hospital usually takes around 2 to 3 hours to complete. There are different techniques to perform a breast lift . Which technique your surgeon uses depends on the size and shape of your breasts, and how much lift you need.

Before surgery, you will be marked by the surgeon in the standing position to determine the new position of the nipple on your breast. Then, anesthesia will be administered, and you’ll be asleep during the surgery.

The surgeon will choose the type of incision based on your breast size and shape, how much extra skin you have and your breasts sag, and areola size and placement. After making incisions, he will remove skin from around the areola and/or under your breasts and reshape your breasts. The surgeon may then move your nipples to the correct position on the new breast shape and reduce the size of your areola.

If you are having a breast augmentation in Şafak Hospital at the same time, the surgeon will place a breast implant directly under your breast tissue or behind your chest muscle to give fullness to your breast.

Finally, he will close the incisions with stitches or skin adhesives, and wrap your breasts in a surgical gauze dressing.


Breast Lift Incision Types

Breast Lift in Istanbul incision types include:

Inverted T or anchor: If you have a high degree of breast sagging, or you want to undergo a breast reduction at the same time as a breast lift this incision type is also useful for you. Anchor incision circles the areola, then goes vertically down to the breast crease, then horizontally along the breast crease.

Vertical or lollipop lift: If you’re only experiencing moderate breast sagging, you can undergo the vertical or lollipop lift. This incision goes in a circle around the entire areola, then vertically down from the bottom of the areola to the top of the breast crease.

Donut lift: If you’re experiencing mild to moderate breast sagging the donut lift option may be preferred for your breast lift . This common incision circles the entire areola.

Crescent lift: If you are a woman with a miner breast sagging and want to have breast augmentation and breast lift in Istanbul simultaneously, the crescent lift may be the right choice for you.



More Article about : plastic surgery procedure


What Happens After a Breast Lift ?

After your breast lift , you will need to rest until the anaesthetic has worn off. You may have thin tubes running out from the incisions to drain fluid and prevent swelling. These will be removed when the fluid has stopped draining.

The surgical team will give you instructions about caring for your wounds and drains, and what to do if you have problems. They will also get advice on how to care for your breasts, and on showering, sleeping, using medications, wearing a special bra, as well as a date for a follow-up appointment.


Breast Lift Recovery

After a breast lift in turkey, you will have some discomfort, swelling and bruising for a few weeks. The surgeon will give you medication to control the pain. You can also apply cold compress to your breasts to relieve swelling and soreness.

You will need to wear a compression garment or surgical bra for several weeks after your surgery. It aids in the healing process by preventing excessive swelling while also limiting bruising after surgery.

Also, you will need to sleep on your back with your head and chest slightly elevated. Avoid heavy lifting and strenuous activity for 2 months after your surgery. It may take between 2 and 6 months for your breasts to reach their final shape.


Who Is a Candidate for a Breast Lift?

You may potentially be a candidate for mastopexy or breast lift if you have sagging breasts with reduced volume and/or stretched skin, which is often associated with pregnancy and breastfeeding, large natural breast size, the aging process, or weight fluctuations.

Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding, or plan on becoming pregnant or losing a significant amount of weight, should not have this surgery. In addition, it’s important to be both physically and mentally healthy, with no medical or health conditions that may preclude you from cosmetic surgery.


Breast Lift FAQs

  • Will a breast lift  change the size of my breasts?

A breast lift Turkey alone won’t change the size of your breasts. The procedure is often combined with other cosmetic surgeries to make breasts larger or smaller. If you want to increase breast size, consider breast augmentation , and if you want smaller breasts, consider breast reduction surgery.

  • How much does a breast lift cost?

The cost of a breast lift in Turkey is a small sum of its cost in other places. For personalized pricing, we welcome Şafak Hospital’s patients to contact us or request a consultation.

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