nose job turkey

Nose Job Turkey Price

Nose job Turkey price is the subject of this article and we are going to explain the factors that determine the surgery cost.

Most patients who consider getting nose job don’t like how their nose looks, possibly due to its size, shape or angle. Indeed, the face is the main indicator of beauty and the nose is located in the center of it. Therefore, it directly affects the appearance and beauty.

Today, with the help of technology, nose appearance and functions can be improved to attain desired form with nose surgery. The nose job Turkey price can differ from person to person.


What Sets the Nose Job Turkey Price?

First of all, the cost varies according to the type of nose surgery. Different type of nose surgery can be performed in-line with the patients’ needs and desires, and for each type of nose job, different interventions are needed. It should be mentioned that different techniques are used for nose surgery as well.

These two factors can affect the nose job Turkey price. Below you may find the types of rhinoplasty and used the used techniques.

What Are Different Types of Rhinoplasty or Nose Job Turkey?

  • Reduction Rhinoplasty
  • Revision Rhinoplasty
  • Functional Rhinoplasty
  • Reconstructive Rhinoplasty
  • Augmentation Rhinoplasty
  • Ethnic Rhinoplasty
  • Refinement Rhinoplasty


rhinoplasty price turkey

What Are Techniques Used for Rhinoplasty?

  • Open Rhinoplasty

In cases that require easier access to the area to be treated and higher visibility of the area, open rhinoplasty is recommended. The procedure starts by lifting the skin by making a small incision. In this way, access to the entire nasal structure is possible. Open rhinoplasty technique is used mostly when the shape of the nose needs to be altered significantly, especially in cases of severe curvature or nasal collapse. Generally, it is preferred in difficult cases, because it allows more intervention to the nose.


  • Closed Rhinoplasty

In closed rhinoplasty, the areas to be reshaped are reached through the nostril. So it’s usually suitable for minor corrections. The advantages of this technique over the open rhinoplasty are that it provides a shorter recovery time and less swelling after the surgery. Also, since the incisions are made through the nostrils, there will be no visible scars.

Closed and open rhinoplasty techniques are not alternatives to each other. The anatomy of the individual’s nose determines which one will be used. Achieving the expected success after surgery is the main goal.



read more article Rhinoplasty Surgery


Are You Suitable for Nose Job in Turkey?

You may be a suitable candidate for rhinoplasty if you:

  • have nasal congestion, breathing, and snoring problems,
  • think your nose is big, long, wide, narrow, very sharp, short, or crooked,
  • have a congenital defect or any deformity in your nose that affects your appearance,
  • have a self-confidence problem related to your appearance when communicating with others,
  • have had an accident that caused the shape of your nose to change.


What Should Be Considered in Nose Job Turkey?

When you come to our safakhospital, first of all, a detailed analysis will be made by considering your request, the anatomical structure of your nose, the current shape and the conditions that cause breathing problems, and your face shape before the operation.

By understanding your needs and expectations, we will determine a roadmap for what can be done with physical examination and laboratory tests. Planning and analysis is as important as the surgical procedure and it can directly affect the success of treatment.

We will explain what is possible and what is realistic, in this way, you will know what to expect. Our patients’ happiness after surgery is vital to us being successful.

Furthermore, during the examination, we will also evaluate if any additional surgery can be needed. For example, Genioplasty can be performed simultaneously with rhinoplasty.

Is There Any Age Limitation for a Nose Job?

To perform a nose job, the nose must have completed its physical development. Although this situation differs from one person to another, development is usually completed between the ages of 16-18. Any person with the legal capacity to act in Turkey (over the age of 18, not restricted, and in good mental health) can get a nose job at their own will.

Nose Job Turkey Price

Nose job turkey price differs according to the operation to be performed and the surgical method. In addition, as you know, the location that you have nose job may change the prices. You can get average price information by contacting us via WhatsApp, Instagram, or contact form, and you can ask your questions.

If you have a minor problem with your nose and do not want to undergo surgery, a nose filler can be an alternative for you.

Why Choose Turkey for Having Nose Job?

For foreign patients searching for a good destination to get a rhinoplasty, Turkey can be their top choice. The country’s combination of affordable costs, renowned doctors, and high standards of care make it one of the best options worldwide for those who wish to reshape their noses.

Although having nose surgery in Turkey is becoming popular in recent years, travelling abroad for a cosmetic procedure can still feel daunting. But it should be said that, Turkey’s modern clinics and medical facilities, English-speaking surgeons, and special packages help to ensure that getting a nose job in Turkey is as straightforward as it would be at home country.

Turkey has the best surgeons when it comes to nose job. The surgeons boast impressive qualifications and have undergone extensive training in Europe. Also, they are well respected within their field, with many having international reputations through organizations like the European Board of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery.

Nose Job Turkey Price Vs Nose Job UK Price

Patients from foreign countries choose our team because we offer packages for cosmetic treatments like a nose job at much lower cost. The same quality procedure is performed by professional and experienced surgeons and technicians. The nose job price in the UK can be quite expensive, especially in London.

Our team offer affordable packages for short stay procedure trips in Turkey. The cost difference to the UK is due to staff labour costs, medical fees, market competition and exchange rate advantages. In short, you can save over 50% on rhinoplasty in Turkey compared to the UK!


Rhinoplasty Recovery

After surgery, the nose will look swollen, and there may be bruising around the eyes. There may be tenderness and headache too, which can be controlled with the prescribed medication. The surgeon will also prescribe antibiotics to be taken for 1-2 weeks after a nose job.
An external nasal splint will be applied at the completion of surgery, and will usually stay in place for 7 days. Stitches under the nose will also be removed at about 1 week. The nose will usually feel blocked for several weeks following surgery.
Most of the swelling will go down after two weeks postoperatively, but the nose will still look swollen when the splint is removed. More than 90% of the swelling will have gone down by 6 months, but it can take 18-24 months to gain the stable, long-term result.
Up to 10 days time off may be required after surgery, and it’s better to have an arrangement for this when planning rhinoplasty. In addition, heavy physical exertion should be avoided for about 4 weeks following the surgery.

Nose Job Turkey Price FAQs

• How should I get a nose job Turkey price quote?

If you are interested in a nose job Turkey price quote, feel free to contact us today.

• Does insurance pay nose job Turkey price?

A nose job performed for aesthetic reasons is regarded as elective. Therefore, it is not generally covered by most health insurance companies. When a nose job is carried out to address a health issue or improve nasal function, it may be covered in part under some insurance plans.

• Am I a candidate for rhinoplasty?

In order to be a candidate for rhinoplasty you should be in good health, should not smoke, and should be of an age where your facial growth is complete. Some patients choose to have a nose job to enhance their facial appearance, while others may benefit from the surgery to correct breathing and functional problems.

• What are the limitations of a nose job?

Thick skin is the biggest limitation with a nose job. That’s because thick skin is difficult to shrink and conform to the underlying framework of the nasal structure.

• What are the risks of nose surgery?

Possible complications and risks of nose surgery include infection, postoperative nose bleeds, swelling, numbness, the possible collapse of the nose, scarring, residual deformity, holes inside the septal area of the nose (between the two sides of the nose), and rare loss of sense of smell.

• What are the benefits of nose surgery?

A nose job or nose surgery can address structural, cosmetic, or functional problems with the nose while bringing the nose into balance with the other facial features.

• How long will I need off work after a nose job Turkey?

Depending on the nature of your work, you will need 10 to 14 days off work.

Best Rhinoplasty Surgeon in Turkey

Best rhinoplasty surgeon in Turkey : Rhinoplasty is one of the more demanding plastic surgery procedures. Many rhinoplasty surgeons are available across the world and each of them can perform a nose surgery.
However, an important point is that the results can vary based on the surgeon. Therefore, the decision to undergo a rhinoplasty is a great one which needs to be taken seriously. Besides, searching for a qualified, skilled, and best rhinoplasty surgeon in Turkey is a must.

How to Find the Best Rhinoplasty Surgeon in Turkey

An online search can provide a good starting point to find the best rhinoplasty surgeon in Turkey. It takes only a few minutes to complete.
The online search helps to check out reviews of each nose job surgeons you consider. These reviews provide insights into what it is like to work with a rhinoplasty surgeon.

Choosing the Best Rhinoplasty Surgeon in Turkey

If you are trying to figure out how to choose the best rhinoplasty surgeon in Turkey that meets your expectations, below are a few helpful tips that you should keep in mind.

• Choose a Board-Certified Surgeon

As the first step in the process of choosing the best rhinoplasty surgeon in Turkey you should make sure that the surgeon is board-certified. A board-certified surgeon is someone who has undergone a substantial amount of training and passed the relevant exams to receive a certificate in their respective specialty.
Nose job surgeons are either board-certified in ENT (ear, nose, and throat) or plastic and reconstructive surgery specialty. However, it should be said that all physicians who have board certifications in ENT or plastic surgery are not nose surgery specialists.
Therefore, while board-certification should be regarded as an important factor, you should not stop at this point. You should consider other factors as well to be ensured you are in qualified hands.

• Assess a Surgeon’s Experience

Best rhinoplasty Turkey is a challenging surgical procedure. Therefore, it’s not uncommon for some patients to undergo a revision nose job if the first surgeon did not have extensive experience performing this procedure.
When looking for the best rhinoplasty surgeon in Turkey, you should ensure that he/she is experienced and specialist in rhinoplasty. Surgeons who have done thousands of nose jobs are more experienced and more likely to be skilled than novice ones who are at the beginning of their career.


• Look for Expertise

Best Rhinoplasty surgeon in Turkey possess tremendous levels of expertise and skill in modifying the nose. The surgeon strives to create natural-looking improvements to the form and function of the nose with the most innovative techniques.
Be sure to look at the patients’ before and after photos to see the results the best rhinoplasty surgeon in Tukey has provided for them. In this way, you will discover more about the type of outcomes you could achieve.

• Look for Clear Communication

The best rhinoplasty surgeon in Turkey will meet with you before surgery. He or she will listen to what you say about nose job and respond to any concerns regarding the procedure. Also, the best rhinoplasty surgeon in Turkey will ask you questions about your medical history and discuss which rhinoplasty methods can deliver your desired results.
The surgeon should discuss all aspects of best rhinoplasty Turkey as well, so you as a patient can establish realistic expectations about post-op care, recovery time, and potential risks and complications, among other things. If a doctor does not make you feel comfortable with a nose job, you should search for another surgeon.

best rhinoplasty turkey

What Happens During the Initial Consultation with Best Rhinoplasty Surgeon in Turkey?

Before a nose job can be scheduled, a consultation with the best rhinoplasty surgeon in Turkey will be required. During the consultation session, the surgeon will discuss with you all the factors necessary to determine whether the procedure is effective for you and could achieve the desired results. The following factors will be likely covered during the discussion:

 A record of your medical history

First of all, your surgeon will ask questions about to your medical history, which can include if you have a history of nasal obstruction, a list of any medications and supplements you may be taking, previous surgeries, and things like that. If it is known that you have a bleeding disorder, best rhinoplasty surgeon in Turkey will likely rule out the possibility of having rhinoplasty.

 A physical examination

The next stage is conducting a complete physical examination. It may include blood tests and other necessary lab tests too. In order to assess whether the desired changes are achievable and how your physical features may affect the possible results, best rhinoplasty surgeon in Turkey will also inspect the skin, as well as the inside of your nose. He/she will assess the thickness of your nasal skin and the cartilages.

 Taking photographs

In the initial consultation session, photographs of your nose may be taken from different angles. A special software may then be used to manipulate the images to show you the possible results. These photos are often used for before and after assessments, as a reference during the operation and for reviews.

 Your expectations and motivations

Finally, you and the best rhinoplasty surgeon in Turkey will further discuss your expectations and motivations in more detail. You must be honest about your expectations of the rhinoplasty. Your surgeon accordingly will have a much clearer indication as to what the surgery can and can’t do for you. In some cases, a surgeon may offer an alternative for consideration.


Best Rhinoplasty Turkey

Best rhinoplasty Turkey : Due to the high costs of cosmetic surgeries in some countries, many people opt to travel abroad to undergo these procedures. According to statistics, nose surgery is among the most common cosmetic surgeries in the world. Many people are seeking the best destination to have this procedure. Affordable prices and skilled surgeons are the most significant reasons that make Turkey a great destination for nose surgery.

What Can Best Rhinoplasty Turkey Correct?

The best rhinoplasty surgeon in Turkey can improve a multitude of cosmetic and functional concerns within the nose through nose surgery, including:
 Crooked, too large, or wide nose
 Nasal tip that is droopy, upturned, or bulbous
 Nose with a visible bump or depression on the bridge
 Uneven nostrils or oversized nostrils
 Anatomical abnormality, such as deviated septum that obstructs normal breathing function

Nose Job Turkey

Nose job Turkey is a surgical procedure that fixes the functional and aesthetic problems of the nose. If you have a nasal hump, droopy nose, bulbous nasal tip, deviated septum, polyp, etc., you are a good candidate for nose job Turkey.

The method of the surgery, the surgeon’s experience, and how to prepare for nose job Turkey greatly impact the final results. This article provides a complete guideline on rhinoplasty.


What Changes Can Nose Job Turkey Make?

By reshaping the nasal structures, including bone and cartilages, a plastic surgeon can help achieve one or more of the following:

  • Reduce the size of a too large nose
  • Remove hump/humps on the nasal bridge
  • Straighten a crooked nose
  • Narrow a wide nose
  • Reduce the length of an over-protruding nose tip
  • Refine the size of a bulbous nose
  • Restore symmetry to the nose after injury
  • Fix breathing problems and functional defects.


Who Is a Good Candidate for Nose Job Turkey?

Men and women of all ages benefit from nose job Turkey. Nose job is one of the most common cosmetic surgery procedures for teenagers too, although plastic surgeons take special care when evaluating whether or not a younger patient is ready for this surgery. These patients need to demonstrate emotional maturity and understanding about the cosmetic surgery process. Also, the nose must be fully developed physically (by around age 16 for girls and 18 for boys).

Candidates for nose job Turkey must have realistic expectations. Nose surgery can help patients improve upon their existing nose, but it cannot deliver “perfection” nor can it give them the nose of someone else. A qualified rhinoplasty surgeon will explain to you what is possible and help you achieve a nose that is in proportion to your unique features.

What to Look for in Nose Job Turkey Surgeon

  • Valid Medical License: In order to legally perform nose job, a valid medical license is required.
  • Board Certification: A board-certified doctor or surgeon is one who has finished essential trainings and passed the relevant exams successfully to receive a certificate in their respective specialty. Nose surgeons are either board-certified in plastic and reconstructive surgery or ENT specialty.
  • Experience and Expertise: The experience and expertise of a nose surgeon is an important factor in making them a good choice for your nose job. When consulting with potential surgeons, ask how many nose job procedures he/she has performed, and be sure to look at before and after photos of prior patients. The before and after photos are in fact a portfolio of their work and a great way to assess the skills of a nose surgeon.


more information about in Şafak Hospital: rhinoplasty surgery


Nose Job Turkey Consultation; What to Ask?

The initial consultation before nose job Turkey is very important. It is a time for the patient to talk to the potential surgeon about their desires and expectations and ask all their questions about the procedure.

A good nose specialist is one who patiently listens to patients during the consultation and devotes a lot of time to make everything clear for them including the procedure, the recovery period, medications a patient has to take before and after the surgery, possible risks and complications, etc.

If you do not know what you should ask from the potential surgeon, here are some examples:

  • Is my nose fleshy or bony?
  • Does the type of my nasal skin affect the result of the nose job?
  • What nose shape best suits me?
  • Can I see some before and after photos of your prior patients?
  • What type of rhinoplasty method is appropriate for me, open or closed?
  • How long will recovery take?
  • After how long can I see the final result of the nose job Turkey?
  • Do you perform revision nose surgery as well?
  • Do you perform nose job Turkey in a hospital or clinic?

best nose job turkey

Types of Rhinoplasty in Turkey

Each rhinoplasty in Turkey is unique because every patient seeking a nose job comes in with different expectations and needs. While the surgeon will follow the same basic steps, he/she has to plan each procedure specifically for the patient in question. In this way, rhinoplasty surgeons are able to provide the best possible care on an individual basis.

Depending on your specific needs and expectations, there are four main types of rhinoplasty in Turkey that your surgeon may suggest.



  1. Closed Rhinoplasty in Turkey

In this type of nose surgery all incisions are hidden inside the nose with no external scars.


  • No external visible scarring.
  • A decreased likelihood of post-op edema or swelling.
  • Less operation time
  • Faster post-operative recovery


  • Useful only for patients who require minor dorsal corrections.
  • Massive structural changes in the tip of the nose and the septal cartilage can’t be done.


  1. Open Rhinoplasty in Turkey

In order to perform this type of nose surgery, a small external incision is made at skin between nostrils and underneath the nose called as columella. The incision is extended inside nostrils on each side.

The skin is lifted up and the surgeon can reshape the structural parts of the nose, including bone and cartilages under direct vision.

  • It is useful method for rhinoplasty in cases where extensive work is to be done to modify nasal framework.
  • It is preferred one for major and precise nose reshaping.
  • Open rhinoplasty in Turkey allows the surgeon to perform many useful techniques with more accuracy, such as nasal tip modifications, harvesting of septal cartilage, extensive grafting, spreader flap technique, etc.
  1. Secondary or Revision Rhinoplasty in Turkey

This kind of rhinoplasty in Turkey is done after a primary one.

  • If patients are not happy with the final results of the previous nose job, they opt for a revision rhinoplasty.
  • Patients may also choose to have a revision rhinoplasty in Turkey if they are happy with the results but seek further changes not originally desired.
  • Sometimes some patients desire a “touch up” for minor issues.
  • Breathing difficulties after having a nose job is another common reason for a revision.


  1. Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty in Turkey

It is a non-surgical method done by a nose surgeon or a dermatologist for people who want to correct a minor imperfection in their nose.

  • No incision is made and a Hyaluronic Acid filler injection, such as Juvederm (the most common type of filler) is used.
  • The drawback of choosing non-surgical rhinoplasty is that the results are not permanent. That is, the fillers eventually absorb reversing the changes and an additional procedure may be required.


How Is Rhinoplasty in Turkey Different from Septoplasty?

Rhinoplasty in Turkey is a plastic surgery procedure to alter the shape of the nose. As both breathing and the nose’s shape are interrelated, a rhinoplasty may sometimes be performed not only to change the nose appearance but also to improve breathing through the nose.

Septoplasty in Turkey is a surgical procedure to improve breathing by straightening the nasal septum (the wall inside the nose that divides the nasal passages into a right and a left side). When the septum is deviated, it can result in breathing problems. A septoplasty is often combined with a rhinoplasty in Turkey.


Tips for Preparing Before Nose Job Turkey:

A quick and convenient recovery after nose job Turkey depends on how you prepare your body and mind for the operation. So, it’s necessary to consider the following tips before undergoing a nose job Turkey:

  • Ask a friend or relative to be your caregiver in the hospital/clinic.
  • Inform your surgeon and nurses before surgery if you take certain medications or have a drug allergy.
  • Purchase ice packs, comfortable pillows, cotton applicators, and painkillers before the surgery.
  • Take the medications prescribed by your physician at the recommended time.
  • Practice sleeping on your back because you cannot sleep on your sides for at least 2 weeks after the nose job.


Recovery Period After Nose Job Turkey

Plan to take at least one week off from work, school or other obligations. You will feel better progressively each day during the first week after surgery. People usually feel like they are themselves again after about a week.

There will be some bruising and swelling. The bruising may disappear after 10 to 14 days. However, the swelling can take many months to resolve. People can usually return to performing most daily activities after a week and resuming all activities after two to four weeks.


Some tips related to the nose job Turkey recovery period

  • Do not wash your face for a couple of days after the nose job Turkey (only use a wet wipe to clean your face).
  • Avoid talking and laughing a lot for the first few weeks.
  • Keep your mouth open when you want to sneeze.
  • Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol.
  • Rinse your nose with saline serum and nasal spray.
  • Adopt a diet rich in fiber and vitamins.
  • Avoid sun exposure.
  • Avoid doing heavy activities such like heavy objects for at least 8 weeks.
  • If you have to wear prescription glasses, stick it to your forehead to not touch your nose for the first month or two.


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