Hair Transplant Turkey

Hair transplant Turkey, also called hair restoration or hair replacement, is a surgery that transfers hair to bald or thinning areas of the scalp. It is usually an ideal treatment option for those who have already tried other hair loss treatments. Dermatologists or plastic surgeons perform hair transplant procedure.

Why Hair Transplant Turkey Is Done?

In people who are balding, a hair transplant Turkey can improve the appearance and self-confidence by moving the hair they already have to the areas that are bald.

Most people who have male pattern baldness in which hair loss is on the front or top of the scalp, can have a hair transplant Turkey. To do this, there must be thick hair on the back or sides of the scalp to be transferred to bald areas.

Sometimes, people with hair loss as a result of injuries, lupus, or other medical problems are treated with a hair transplant.

What Is Male pattern baldness?

Male pattern baldness, also called androgenic alopecia, is the most common type of hair loss in men. This type of hair loss affects over half of all men. It’s one of the most common reasons why people choose to have a hair transplant Turkey.

Male pattern baldness is usually hereditary (genetic) that can give men a thinning crown and receding hairline. The most common patterns of male pattern baldness are;

  • Hair thinning at the top of the scalp and the temple area
  • Hair receding from the hairline, pushing the hairline back gradually.

Who Is Eligible for a Hair Transplant Turkey?

A hair transplant Turkey can be an option for

  • Those who are in good health
  • Those who have hair follicles that are in good condition and able to remain healthy after the transplant has been performed.
  • Men with male pattern baldness (Androgenetic Alopecia)
  • Both men and women whose hair loss is due to burns, trauma, or rarer conditions.

 hair transplant turkey

How to Prepare for a Hair Transplant Turkey


  • Pre-operative Instructions

Consider the following preparations before your hair transplant Turkey.

  • Massage your scalp for 10-20 minutes per day, starting 2 weeks before surgery. Massaging will stimulate the follicles and increase the elasticity of your scalp. So, you will have a more successful surgery.
  • Protect your scalp from direct sunlight exposure before surgery. The operation must be performed on healthy, unburned skin. You can wear a hat, or stay inside until the day of surgery.
  • Stop certain supplements and medications before your procedure. Some supplements may cause complications, and we don’t want to take the chance of any medications of supplements interfering with medications we will give you after surgery.
  • Avoid drinking alcohol in the week leading up to the surgery in order to increase your chances of a successful and effective hair transplant Turkey.
  • Quit smoking at least two weeks before your procedure. Smoking can slow your healing process and affect the results.
  • Avoid taking all medications that increase the risk of bleeding prior to your surgery. These medications include aspirin, non-steroidal anti-inflammatories, coagulants, antiplatelets and some vitamins.
  • Stop taking hair loss medications. The doctor will let you know what medications are okay to take in the weeks leading up to your surgery.
  • In order to have the most successful outcome possible it’s important to follow the doctor’s orders.


  • Important Things to Consider Before a Hair Transplant Turkey

Some important things to keep in mind before opting for hair transplant Turkey include:

  • Before your hair transplant, you might need to trim off your hair.
  • Following a hair transplant Turkey, it can take up to 9-12 months for the newly grafted hair to take root.
  • Unrealistic expectations can lead to disappointments. So, it’s important to mention that, hair restoration will not give you a full head of hair if you start off without much hair. Your donor area should be thick in terms of hair so that your hair transplant will be thick and dense.
  • Hair Transplant Turkey does not stop hair loss of non-transplanted.
  • There may be a need for continuing medical treatment after your hair transplant.


What Happens During a Hair Transplant Turkey?

 Before starting a transplant, the surgeon sterilizes the donor area, where the hair will be removed, and numbs it with a local anesthetic. You can also request sedation to stay asleep during the procedure. The surgeon then performs the most appropriate method of best hair clinic Turkey based on your own circumstances.

There are two primary methods for transplanting hair: follicular unit excision (FUE), and follicular unit transplantation (FUT). Let’s talk about these methods in order.


What Is Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT)?

Follicular unit transplantation (FUT), sometimes known as follicular unit strip surgery (FUSS), is a permanent way to restore the natural look of your hair. This technique was developed in the early 2000s. During this hair transplant Turkey procedure, the surgeon uses follicular unit grafts to recreate your hair growth pattern.


How the FUT hair transplant Turkey Is Performed

Step 1: Removing the hair bearing tissue

  • The donor area is anesthetized using local anaesthetic.
  • A thin strip of tissue containing hair follicles is removed painlessly form the back and/or sides of the scalp.
  • The area where the scalp strip was removed is closed with stitches.

Step 2: Preparing the donor hair

  • The scalp strip is separated into follicle groupings, also known as units or grafts, with a scalpel.
  • Each unit is comprised of 1-4 hair follicles.

Step 3: Placing the grafts

  • Tiny holes are made in the recipient area where hair will be transplanted.
  • Individual follicular units are inserted into the holes. (To ensure natural looking results and to maximize the coverage of the thinning areas, our surgeon pays close attention to the location, depth and angle of each unit.)

Advantages of FUT Hair Transplant Turkey Procedure

  • Follicle extraction is quick and simple
  • There is often no need to shave the donor area
  • The results are natural-looking and lasting
  • There is no need for ongoing maintenance


What Is Follicular Unit Excision (FUE)?

Follicular unit excision (FUE) utilizes the latest hair transplantation technology to achieve a permanent, natural-looking result. This is a type of hair transplant Turkey where each hair follicle is taken out from the scalp individually.

Liposuction Turkey Price

Liposuction Turkey price is a big factor in making the country an ideal liposuction destination. While, the liposuction Turkey price varies depending on your specific needs and the amount of work done on your body, it is very reasonable compared to what you have to pay in other countries.


What Is Liposuction and Where Is It Be Performed?

Liposuction, sometimes referred to as “lipo” by patients, is a cosmetic procedure that removes fat that you can’t seem to get rid of through diet and exercise.
Some common areas of the body where liposuction is performed includes double chin, upper arms, breasts, outer thighs or saddlebags, bra strap area, abdomen, love handles
Since each person responds to exercise and diet differently, the optimal area for each individual is unique. Qualified plastic surgeons at Şafak hospitals consult with patients to determine the areas of their body where liposuction makes sense.


Who Is an Ideal Candidate for the Liposuction?

The ideal candidates for liposuction in Turkey have stubborn subcutaneous fat, in which fat resides between muscle and skin, and not visceral fat in which the layer of fat resides around the abdominal organs.
Best ones for this surgery are healthy individuals at or close to their goal weight. They are also non-smokers.
In addition, those with good skin elasticity are usually eligible for liposuction, whereas patients with loose skin or cellulite are not, since these conditions can result in uneven skin. Your surgeon will evaluate the condition of your skin before in the consultation session.


What to Look for When Considering Liposuction Turkey Price

The decision to have liposuction in Turkey is a deeply personal one. When fat deposits in specific areas of body does not respond to exercise and diet, many men and women seek the help of a liposuction surgery.
Liposuction cost is a main factor that many patients consider when contemplating a liposuction procedure. It may be tempting to seek a cheap deal, but without a proper research, that cheap deal could leave you with poor results at best, and could even risk your life by damaging your health.
However, in the case of Turkey, this is not the case. While, liposuction Turkey cost is reasonable and fair, the surgery success rate is high. Because the procedure is done in top-notch hospitals and clinics, such as Şafak hospital, by seasoned plastic surgeons with vast experience in cosmetic surgery, including liposuction.
What Affects Liposuction Turkey Price?
There are some factors that will influence the amount that you will pay for your liposuction. Let’s discuss a few of the main factors that make up liposuction Turkey price.

 Location:

The city or country where your surgery is being done is one of the factors that can affect liposuction cost. Like most services, areas with higher costs of living will have higher price points compared to areas with lower costs of living.

 Fees:

Fees pertain to the costs of pre- and post-operative screening and necessities. All surgeons ask for medical tests and labs prior to your procedure to ensure you are in good health. Anesthesia costs, prescriptions, and medical supplies for aftercare are the other fees that should be taken into account.

 Surgical method:

There are many methods and techniques that can be used to address excess fat deposits, and plastic surgeons may differ on which ones they use. Based on your aesthetic goals and your plastic surgeon’s expert advice, the method of lipo and tools used will play a significant role in establishing the cost of your operation.

 Type of facility:

The type of facility whether a clinic or a hospital is the other factor affecting the cost of surgery. Hospitals charge a fee when plastic surgeons use their facility. If the plastic surgeon you are considering has their own independent surgical facility, the facility fees may be lower.

 Treatment area:

Liposuction in Turkey is tailored to the unique needs of each patient. The number of areas in your body to be operated could affect the price.


How to Prepare for Liposuction

The plastic Surgeon at Şafak hospital will provide instructions for the days leading up to liposuction. Generally, you need to:
• ask a supportive friend or family member that can help drive you to and from the hospital and assist with aftercare.
• avoid taking certain medications like aspirin and blood thinners before the procedure.
• quit smoking or drinking alcohol at least 4 weeks before surgery.
• get lab testing before surgery to ensure that you are a good candidate for anesthesia.
• stop eating and drinking, typically about 12 hours before the appointment time.


What Happens During the Liposuction Procedure?

Generally, the patient gets either general or local anesthesia depending on the number of targeted areas and the method of lipo. The only difference between the methods is the type of instrument each uses for ejecting fat cells. These methods include Power Assisted Liposuction, Laser-Assisted Liposuction, Suction Assisted Liposuction, Twin-Cannula Assisted Liposuction, Tumescent Liposuction, and Ultrasonic Assisted Liposuction.
After making small incisions in the skin, the surgeon inserts a tool called a cannula into the fat pocket. The cannula is attached to a suction device or a syringe to extract the fat.
Liposuction is typically an outpatient surgery, so patients are often allowed to go home the same day as the surgery.


Liposuction Recovery

Patients often can return to work in a few days and resume normal activities within 2-4 weeks or less, though recovery and aftercare varies depending on the area treated. Following post-operative instructions is the best way to have an easy recovery.
Once the anesthetic wears off some discomfort may be felt, but lifestyle choices, including rest, hydration, and not smoking will make healing process faster and complications fewer. The most common side effects can include some swelling, bruising and tenderness in the treated areas. The surgeon will offer some options on pain relief after surgery as well as a list of medications to avoid. He will also ask for wearing a compression garment which puts pressure on the areas that had liposuction.

Liposuction Turkey

Liposuction Turkey is a cosmetic procedure used to remove unwanted body fat through a suctioning process. Although it is not a treatment for obesity, it can alter the body’s shape and contour. The surgery works best in people who are a normal weight and in areas where the skin is tight. It is worth noting that the procedure does not remove cellulite, stretch marks, or dimples.
The results are generally long-lasting. However, if the patient doesn’t lead a healthy lifestyle after surgery, there is a risk that the remaining fat cells will grow bigger.

Who Are Best Candidates for Liposuction Turkey?

Generally, people of normal weight achieve the best results, however, people who are slightly overweight can also benefit from liposuction. The best candidates for liposuction Turkey include people:
• of normal-weight (or slightly-overweight) people who have localized areas of protruding fat
• who have firm, elastic skin, where the skin molds itself into new contours.
• who have deposits of fat in certain areas that are hard to lose through exercise and a healthy diet
• over 18 years of age
• with realistic expectations
• who are in good health without conditions (such as restricted blood flow, diabetes, or coronary artery disease a weak immune system) that could complicate surgery
Age is not a major factor for liposuction Turkey, although older people with diminished skin elasticity may not have the same results as those with tighter skin.
In addition, liposuction Turkey is not appropriate for pregnant women and nursing mothers.


Why Liposuction Turkey Is Done

Liposuction Turkey can be used to remove fat from areas of the body that doesn’t respond to diet and exercise, such as the:
• Upper arms
• Abdomen
• Hips
• Buttocks
• Back and waistline
• Thighs
• Calves and ankles
• Chin and neck


after liposuction turkey

What Are Some Benefits of Liposuction Turkey?

Liposuction Turkey is normally done for aesthetic aims, but it is sometimes used to treat certain conditions. These conditions include:
 Gynecomastia: It is an increase in the amount of breast gland tissue in men. This condition can affect one or both breasts, sometimes unevenly.
 Lymphedema: it is localized swelling in various areas of your body that happens when something affects your lymphatic system. The swelling commonly occurs in the arms or legs. Liposuction Turkey is sometimes used to reduce swelling, pain, and discomfort.
 Lipodystrophy syndrome: Lipodystrophy is a group of rare syndromes that cause a person to gain fat in some parts of the body, while losing it in others. A person can be born with this condition or develop it later in life.
 Lipomas: These are benign, fatty tumors. Lipomas can be removed through liposuction Turkey.
 Extreme weight loss: A person with morbid obesity who loses at least 40 percent of their BMI (body mass index) may need treatment to remove excess skin, fat and other abnormalities.


How to Prepare for Liposuction Turkey


Before liposuction Turkey:

• you will need to get some lab testing or a medical evaluation to ensure you are eligible for surgery.
• avoid taking aspirin and anti-inflammatory drugs at least 2 weeks before surgery.
• don’t take herbal supplements.
• if you have anemia may be asked to take iron supplements.
• don’t smoke or drink alcohol 4-6 weeks before surgery.
Also, you should be fully aware of the risks, possible complications, benefits, and alternatives to the procedure, and discuss with your surgeon what to expect from the surgery before the procedure.


How Is Liposuction Turkey Performed?

Depending on the liposuction Turkey technique and the number of targeted areas, the patient receives either general or local anesthetic. The surgeon then uses a cannula to suck out the fat through it.
Liposuction Turkey is carried out in Şafak hospital or a modern clinic, and the procedure takes around 3 to 5 hours. Some patients may need to stay in hospital overnight. There are a number of liposuction techniques that the only difference between them is the type of instrument each uses for removing fat. Below, you can read about these techniques.


What Are Some Different Liposuction Turkey Techniques?

Liposuction Turkey techniques include: Power-Assisted Liposuction, Laser-Assisted Liposuction, Suction-Assisted Liposuction, Tumescent Liposuction, and Ultrasonic-Assisted Liposuction.
Your surgeon will choose the appropriate technique depending on your needs, goals, the targeted area to be suctioned, and whether you have had other liposuction procedures in the past.


• Power-assisted liposuction (PAL):

PAL extracts fat from some created holes in the body using a vibrating cannula. By rapidly moving back-and-forth and loosening the fat cells, the cannula makes the fat easier to remove and speeds up the procedure of fat removal.

• Laser-assisted liposuction (LAL):

In LAL, the fat is broken using laser. The laser beam melts the exited localized fat, then it is ejected out of the body. It causes less bruising and bleeding and faster healing, compared to other techniques.

• Suction-assisted liposuction (SAL):

Suction-assisted liposuction is the traditional method of liposuction Turkey. It uses some sort of pressure through which the extra fat is ejected by a thin cannula. SAL is usually a part of other lipo procedures.

• Tumescent liposuction Turkey:

In this technique, a large quantity of a saline solution with a local anesthetic and a vessel-constrictor are pumped below the skin in the targeted area. Then, a small cannula is entered to suction the fat out of the body. Tumescent liposuction is the most popular form of liposuction Turkey.

• Ultrasound-assisted liposuction (UAL):

In the ultrasound-assisted liposuction, also known as Vaser lipo, the cannula is energized with ultrasound. This liquefies the fat cells by breaking down the walls of them, without damaging the nerves or tissues. The fat is then suctioned out easily. UAL is suitable for fibrous areas, such as back, the male breast, and in areas where liposuction Turkey has been done before.
After the liposuction Turkey procedure, your surgeon may leave the holes open so that excess fluid and blood can drain from the body.

After the Liposuction Turkey Procedure:

After liposuction Turkey, the patient might experience some pain, bruising and swelling. The surgeon may prescribe painkillers to help control the pain and swelling and antibiotics to reduce the risk of infection.
Wearing an elasticated support corset or a tight compression garment helps to reduce swelling and bruising, and should be worn constantly for several weeks after the operation.
The patient should expect numbness in the area where fat was removed as well. This should improve in 6-8 weeks.
The temporary drains for fluid drainage might be removed after 7-10 days, then the patient can return to work.

Diabetes Surgery Turkey

Diabetes surgery Turkey is one of the most important discoveries in the management of diabetes. It can help control or improve type 2 diabetes in most patients.

Why Diabetes Surgery Turkey?

Type 2 diabetes and obesity are related conditions and both of them are linked to problems with the metabolism of body. The changes as a result of diabetes surgery Turkey (also called metabolic/bariatric surgery) that lead to weight loss can also lead to the remission of type 2 diabetes. Also it is important to know that, the body’s ability to use sugar in a healthy way can be regained with surgery in patients with type 2 diabetes. Patients can experience lower blood sugar levels, take less diabetes medications, and see an improvement in health problems related to diabetes.


Some Facts About Type 2 Diabetes

• The vast majority of people with diabetes have Type 2 diabetes.
• Living with type 2 diabetes puts a person at a higher risk for stroke, heart disease, vision loss and kidney disease.
• Type 2 diabetes can cause symptoms like excessive thirst, needing to pee a lot and tiredness.
• There’s a genetic mutation involved in type 2 diabetes.
• Cases of Type 2 diabetes have doubled in America in the past 20 years.
• Obesity and being overweight (BMI greater than 25) increases your risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
• Diabetes surgery Turkey is the most effective treatment for type 2 diabetes and may result in remission or improvement in almost all cases.


What Causes Type 2 Diabetes?

Type 2 Diabetes, formerly called non-insulin-dependent or adult-onset, is caused by problems with a chemical in the body (hormone) called insulin. This hormone is made by the pancreas that acts like a key to let blood sugar into the cells in the body for use as energy. If someone has type 2 diabetes, cells don’t respond normally to insulin, which is called insulin resistance. So pancreas makes more insulin in order to get cells to respond. But finally it cannot keep up, and the person’s blood sugar rises, setting the stage for prediabetes and type 2 diabetes.
More than 90 percent of people with diabetes have type 2 diabetes. This type of diabetes is largely the result of obesity and physical inactivity or linked to family history.


Why Is Type 2 Diabetes Serious?

Type 2 diabetes is a common condition that causes the level of sugar in the blood to become too high. It can lead to serious complications which can affect many different parts of the patient’s body. In the worst cases, diabetes can increase the risk of getting serious problems with the eyes, heart and nerves.


Diabetes Surgery Turkey Advantages

• This surgery results in changes to the body’s metabolism that affect intestinal hormones that regulate blood sugar control, sometimes as quickly as a few days after operation.
• According to the researches, 78% of patients experience remission (being able to stop taking medications) thus eliminating the need for diabetes medications after surgery.
• Diabetes surgery Turkey has been proven to be the most effective treatment for diabetes but also helps improve obesity and related problems.
• It increases the sense of fullness after meals that results in less food intake and helps body to achieve a healthy weight.

diabetes surgery in patients

Who is a Good Candidate for Diabetes Surgery Turkey?

Using diabetes surgery in patients with Body Mass Index (BMI) of 30 and above is supported by a great deal of scientific evidence. If you are living with type 2 diabetes and have a BMI of 30 or higher, you may be eligible for diabetes surgery Turkey. Your surgeon will review the options and work with you to determine if the surgery is a good choice to treat your diabetes.

Four Types of Diabetes Surgery Turkey
Şafak Hospital in Turkey provides the most advanced and approved surgical options for type 2 diabetes and weight loss.


• Sleeve Gastrectomy:

Sleeve gastrectomy is a type of diabetes surgery Turkey that removes approximately two thirds of the stomach without rerouting the intestine. The remaining stomach takes the shape of a tube or “sleeve” and provides a much smaller reservoir for food. The procedure changes the metabolism and hormones produced by the intestines too. More than 60% of patients suffering from type 2 diabetes will have remission after the Sleeve.


• Roux-en-y Gastric Bypass (RYGB):

During this procedure, the top of the stomach is divided, and a small pouch which functions as the new stomach is created. Then the surgeon makes a small opening (stoma) in the pouch and attaches it to the small intestine. Since the size of the new stomach pouch is limited, you feel less hunger and food intake decreases.
This type of diabetes surgery Turkey results in significant weight loss, remission of type 2 diabetes in nearly 80% of patients, and improvement of diabetes in almost all patients.
Improvement of diabetes occurs just within a few days to weeks following gastric bypass. Most importantly, the metabolism and hormones produced in the intestines are changed over time as a result of this surgery and affect the body’s ability to reach a healthy weight.


• Biliopancreatic Diversion with Duodenal Switch (BPD/DS):

Biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch, also known as the duodenal switch, is the other type of diabetes surgery Turkey. This surgery changes the size of the stomach and the length of the small intestine, where nutrients are absorbed. In this way, it limits how much food the patient can eat, digest, and absorb.
Due to the complexity of the procedure and the greater risk of complications, the duodenal switch is a malabsorptive procedure performed far less frequently than the gastric bypass, sleeve or the adjustable gastric band.


• Single Anastomosis Duodeno-Ileal Bypass with Sleeve Gastrectomy (SADI-S):

Single anastomosis duodeno-ileal bypass with sleeve gastrectomy is the latest procedure to be endorsed by the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery. This type of diabetic surgery Turkey involves making the stomach into a tube (just as with the sleeve gastrectomy) and cutting and reconnecting the small intestine to a loop of intestine further down-stream. In this way, the body absorbs fewer calories.
SADI-S has demonstrated excellent rates for weight loss and type 2 diabetes remission, and it has fewer negative side effects than its predecessor duodenal switch.

Best Hair Clinic in Turkey

Best hair clinic in Turkey is a unique showcase of Turkish excellence in hair transplants and hair loss treatments.
The inseparable relation between hair, beauty, and self-confidence cannot be denied. As you get older, your hair may start to fall for different reasons. It can impact your beauty and self-confidence. So, if you’re looking for a permanent solution to your hair loss, you may want to consider a hair transplant. Today, thanks to advances, the results can look so natural that a barber or hair stylist cannot tell you have had anything done.

What Is Hair Transplant in Best Hair Clinic in Turkey?

A hair transplant in the best hair clinic in Turkey is a procedure used to treat hair loss. Various hair transplant techniques are available in the best hair clinic Turkey, but all hair transplants involve taking hair-bearing skin from one part of the scalp and grafting them onto thinning or bald areas of the scalp.

What Are the Reasons for Hair Loss?

Hair loss may be due to:
• common male pattern baldness, also known as androgenetic alopecia
• scalp infection
• Injuries from burns, car accidents, scalds or surgery
• Certain inflammatory diseases such as lichen planus, morphea or lupus
It should be noted that hair transplantation is not a cure for male pattern baldness. Although the transplants will cover bald scalp; they will not protect you from further hair loss. Male pattern baldness is a progressive condition for most men, so it might be worth considering combining surgery with medical treatments to slow down the balding process.


Who Can Have a Hair Transplant in Best Hair Clinic in Turkey?

You need two things in order to be considered for a hair transplant in the best hair clinic in Turkey:
• Enough healthy hair on the donor area of scalp which can be transplanted to the desired area
• The ability to grow hair on the area of your scalp that needs hair

During a consultation with your doctor in the best hair clinic in Turkey, you can find out if you have both. He or she will give you a thorough scalp exam. Also, a blood test may be needed to find out the cause of your hair loss. For some patients a scalp biopsy is needed too. During the consultation the doctor can quickly take what is needed for the scalp biopsy.
If the examination and tests show that you can have a hair transplant, the doctor will tell you what results you can expect.

best hair transplant clinic turkey

Why Is Best Hair Clinic in Turkey a Good Choice for Having Hair Transplantation?

Hair transplantation surgery is much in demand in Turkey. With experienced surgeons and up-to-date techniques, best hair transplant clinic in Turkey offers foreign candidates a safe experience of hair transplant.
Also, the highly affordable costs of hair transplant in Turkey is a great reason to opt for the country instead of other destinations. As is the case with lots of other cosmetic procedures, the cost of hair transplant surgery in Turkey is considerably more reasonable compared to other countries.

Things to Consider Before Having Hair Transplant Surgery in Best Hair Clinic in Turkey
• First of all, it is important to have realistic expectations. Keep in mind that a hair transplant will not give you a full head of hair if you start off without much hair. The denser and thicker your remaining hair, the better the results will be.
• Generally, people with light-colored and thick hair get better results compared to those with dark-colored and thin hair.
• If you are serious about having hair transplant procedure, you should try to quit smoking 1 month before surgery, as smokers are at increased risk of complications from surgery.
• It may take up to 9 months before the hair takes root and begins to fill in after a hair transplant.
• It should be said that you may need to continue medical treatment after hair transplant surgery.
• Think about the cost before surgery. Health insurance companies usually don’t cover the costs of surgeries for cosmetic reasons.

How Is Hair Transplant Performed in the Best Hair Transplant Clinic in Turkey?

In the best hair transplant clinic in Turkey the latest methods and technologies in safakhospital are adopted to help patients get through it easily.
There are 4 main methods to do hair transplant surgery, which include Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT), Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE), Follicular Isolation Technique (FIT), and a combination of FIT and FUT. Your doctor will choose the method most appropriate for you, based on your own circumstances.
Most patients remain awake during the hair transplantation and need only an anesthesia that makes the scalp numb. Some patients take a mild sedative too in order to be relax during the procedure. It takes about 8 hours, while the healing process takes at most 3-5 days. Usually, patients can see the first hints of their treatment after around 4 months, but the final results would be apparent after 8 to 12 months.


Methods of Hair Transplant in Best Hair Clinic in Turkey

 Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT):

Follicular unit transplantation, also known as Follicular Unit Strip Surgery (FUSS), is the traditional and most common technique of hair transplant. During this technique:
• a thin strip of skin with hair is removed from the back of your head (donor area) and separated into pieces, each containing 1 to 4 hair follicles (hair grafts)
• the grafts are placed into tiny cuts made in the thinning or bald part of your scalp (recipient area)
• the donor area is closed with stitches
• there will be a scar on the back of your head, however it should not be visible unless you have very short hair
The head does not need to be shaved – only the area where the skin is removed is trimmed.


 Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE):

Follicular unit extraction is a more modern and time-consuming technique in which:
• the back of the head (donor area) is shaved
• individual hairs (grafts) are removed one by one
• the extracted grafts are placed into tiny cuts made in the scalp just like follicular unit transplantation
• there will be lots of tiny scars, but they will not be noticeable
Hair transplants usually take a day, but you should not need to stay overnight.
If a large area is being treated, you may need to have 2 or more sessions a few months apart.
Your surgeon will tell you how to look after your graft. You should be given a spray to use to help recovery and hair growth.


 Follicular Isolation Technique (FIT):

Follicular isolation technique, is a new version of FUE. These hair transplant procedures are basically the same thing. In both techniques the hair follicle is extracted/isolated one by one in the donor area. The only difference would lie in the surgical instrument used in best hair clinic in Turkey to remove the hair follicles.


 Combination of FIT and FUT:

This technique is used in patients with extensive baldness. Because in this method, more hair grafts are implanted on the recipient site compared to other techniques.


best hair clinic istanbul

What to Expect Immediately After Hair Transplant Surgery in Best Hair Clinic in Turkey

How you feel after operation depends on the extent of your surgery. immediately after hair transplant you can expect:

  • possible numbness in your scalp
  • swelling and bruising
  • a tight feeling in your scalp
  • throbbing, discomfort and pain
  • to wear dressings or bandages for 1 or 2 days
  • temporary scabbing across the treated areas of scalp


Tips to follow after Hair transplant surgery in in Best Hair Clinic in Turkey

some of the most important tips you should consider during your recovery:

  • Rest for a day after your hair transplant surgery.
  • Follow all instructions on looking after your wounds carefully.
  • Sleep with your head elevated for 3 nights and don’t let it rub against your pillow.
  • Avoid taking blood thinners such as aspirin or any other medications without your doctor’s approval.
  • The use of alcohol and smoking is prohibited before and after the hair transplant procedure.
  • For the first 3 days after your surgery, do not wash your head.
  • Wash your head after 3 days, but according your doctor’s instructions.
  • Avoid exercise or any strenuous activity that could increase blood pressure.
  • Do not expose your head to any dirt or bacteria for 2 weeks.
  • Report any severe pain, bleeding or unusual symptoms to your doctor.


Is Hair Transplant in Best Hair Clinic in Turkey Safe?

Hair transplant surgery is considered as a safe and effective procedure, promising natural and permanent results. The surgery is reported with a very high level of patient safety according to the Aesthetic Surgery Journal. However, choosing the right surgeon and clinic for is the key factor to have a safe and successful surgery.


Best Hair Transplant Clinic in Turkey

By offering advanced hair transplant methods, short recovery periods, and best possible results, best hair transplant clinic in Turkey stands out as a reliable hair transplant clinic. If you are suffering from hair loss and it has affected your self-confidence, it’s time to feel and look your best with us at the push of a button.

Nose Job Turkey Price

Nose job Turkey price is the subject of this article and we are going to explain the factors that determine the surgery cost.

Most patients who consider getting nose job don’t like how their nose looks, possibly due to its size, shape or angle. Indeed, the face is the main indicator of beauty and the nose is located in the center of it. Therefore, it directly affects the appearance and beauty.

Today, with the help of technology, nose appearance and functions can be improved to attain desired form with nose surgery. The nose job Turkey price can differ from person to person.


What Sets the Nose Job Turkey Price?

First of all, the cost varies according to the type of nose surgery. Different type of nose surgery can be performed in-line with the patients’ needs and desires, and for each type of nose job, different interventions are needed. It should be mentioned that different techniques are used for nose surgery as well.

These two factors can affect the nose job Turkey price. Below you may find the types of rhinoplasty and used the used techniques.

What Are Different Types of Rhinoplasty or Nose Job Turkey?

  • Reduction Rhinoplasty
  • Revision Rhinoplasty
  • Functional Rhinoplasty
  • Reconstructive Rhinoplasty
  • Augmentation Rhinoplasty
  • Ethnic Rhinoplasty
  • Refinement Rhinoplasty


rhinoplasty price turkey

What Are Techniques Used for Rhinoplasty?

  • Open Rhinoplasty

In cases that require easier access to the area to be treated and higher visibility of the area, open rhinoplasty is recommended. The procedure starts by lifting the skin by making a small incision. In this way, access to the entire nasal structure is possible. Open rhinoplasty technique is used mostly when the shape of the nose needs to be altered significantly, especially in cases of severe curvature or nasal collapse. Generally, it is preferred in difficult cases, because it allows more intervention to the nose.


  • Closed Rhinoplasty

In closed rhinoplasty, the areas to be reshaped are reached through the nostril. So it’s usually suitable for minor corrections. The advantages of this technique over the open rhinoplasty are that it provides a shorter recovery time and less swelling after the surgery. Also, since the incisions are made through the nostrils, there will be no visible scars.

Closed and open rhinoplasty techniques are not alternatives to each other. The anatomy of the individual’s nose determines which one will be used. Achieving the expected success after surgery is the main goal.



read more article Rhinoplasty Surgery


Are You Suitable for Nose Job in Turkey?

You may be a suitable candidate for rhinoplasty if you:

  • have nasal congestion, breathing, and snoring problems,
  • think your nose is big, long, wide, narrow, very sharp, short, or crooked,
  • have a congenital defect or any deformity in your nose that affects your appearance,
  • have a self-confidence problem related to your appearance when communicating with others,
  • have had an accident that caused the shape of your nose to change.


What Should Be Considered in Nose Job Turkey?

When you come to our safakhospital, first of all, a detailed analysis will be made by considering your request, the anatomical structure of your nose, the current shape and the conditions that cause breathing problems, and your face shape before the operation.

By understanding your needs and expectations, we will determine a roadmap for what can be done with physical examination and laboratory tests. Planning and analysis is as important as the surgical procedure and it can directly affect the success of treatment.

We will explain what is possible and what is realistic, in this way, you will know what to expect. Our patients’ happiness after surgery is vital to us being successful.

Furthermore, during the examination, we will also evaluate if any additional surgery can be needed. For example, Genioplasty can be performed simultaneously with rhinoplasty.

Is There Any Age Limitation for a Nose Job?

To perform a nose job, the nose must have completed its physical development. Although this situation differs from one person to another, development is usually completed between the ages of 16-18. Any person with the legal capacity to act in Turkey (over the age of 18, not restricted, and in good mental health) can get a nose job at their own will.

Nose Job Turkey Price

Nose job turkey price differs according to the operation to be performed and the surgical method. In addition, as you know, the location that you have nose job may change the prices. You can get average price information by contacting us via WhatsApp, Instagram, or contact form, and you can ask your questions.

If you have a minor problem with your nose and do not want to undergo surgery, a nose filler can be an alternative for you.

Why Choose Turkey for Having Nose Job?

For foreign patients searching for a good destination to get a rhinoplasty, Turkey can be their top choice. The country’s combination of affordable costs, renowned doctors, and high standards of care make it one of the best options worldwide for those who wish to reshape their noses.

Although having nose surgery in Turkey is becoming popular in recent years, travelling abroad for a cosmetic procedure can still feel daunting. But it should be said that, Turkey’s modern clinics and medical facilities, English-speaking surgeons, and special packages help to ensure that getting a nose job in Turkey is as straightforward as it would be at home country.

Turkey has the best surgeons when it comes to nose job. The surgeons boast impressive qualifications and have undergone extensive training in Europe. Also, they are well respected within their field, with many having international reputations through organizations like the European Board of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery.

Nose Job Turkey Price Vs Nose Job UK Price

Patients from foreign countries choose our team because we offer packages for cosmetic treatments like a nose job at much lower cost. The same quality procedure is performed by professional and experienced surgeons and technicians. The nose job price in the UK can be quite expensive, especially in London.

Our team offer affordable packages for short stay procedure trips in Turkey. The cost difference to the UK is due to staff labour costs, medical fees, market competition and exchange rate advantages. In short, you can save over 50% on rhinoplasty in Turkey compared to the UK!


Rhinoplasty Recovery

After surgery, the nose will look swollen, and there may be bruising around the eyes. There may be tenderness and headache too, which can be controlled with the prescribed medication. The surgeon will also prescribe antibiotics to be taken for 1-2 weeks after a nose job.
An external nasal splint will be applied at the completion of surgery, and will usually stay in place for 7 days. Stitches under the nose will also be removed at about 1 week. The nose will usually feel blocked for several weeks following surgery.
Most of the swelling will go down after two weeks postoperatively, but the nose will still look swollen when the splint is removed. More than 90% of the swelling will have gone down by 6 months, but it can take 18-24 months to gain the stable, long-term result.
Up to 10 days time off may be required after surgery, and it’s better to have an arrangement for this when planning rhinoplasty. In addition, heavy physical exertion should be avoided for about 4 weeks following the surgery.

Nose Job Turkey Price FAQs

• How should I get a nose job Turkey price quote?

If you are interested in a nose job Turkey price quote, feel free to contact us today.

• Does insurance pay nose job Turkey price?

A nose job performed for aesthetic reasons is regarded as elective. Therefore, it is not generally covered by most health insurance companies. When a nose job is carried out to address a health issue or improve nasal function, it may be covered in part under some insurance plans.

• Am I a candidate for rhinoplasty?

In order to be a candidate for rhinoplasty you should be in good health, should not smoke, and should be of an age where your facial growth is complete. Some patients choose to have a nose job to enhance their facial appearance, while others may benefit from the surgery to correct breathing and functional problems.

• What are the limitations of a nose job?

Thick skin is the biggest limitation with a nose job. That’s because thick skin is difficult to shrink and conform to the underlying framework of the nasal structure.

• What are the risks of nose surgery?

Possible complications and risks of nose surgery include infection, postoperative nose bleeds, swelling, numbness, the possible collapse of the nose, scarring, residual deformity, holes inside the septal area of the nose (between the two sides of the nose), and rare loss of sense of smell.

• What are the benefits of nose surgery?

A nose job or nose surgery can address structural, cosmetic, or functional problems with the nose while bringing the nose into balance with the other facial features.

• How long will I need off work after a nose job Turkey?

Depending on the nature of your work, you will need 10 to 14 days off work.